Proposed Enhancements

Enable catalog selection for new Business Units

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Currently, when adding a business unit, there is no easy way to populate it with a catalog. Instead, the administrator must go into each course and extend it to the new business unit. Providing the ability to choose a list of courses to be available to the new business unit would make it much easier for the portal administrator to create the business unit and quickly populate it with a new catalog.


Copy Course Button

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so administrators can create a new course catalog entry by automatically copying an existing course catalog entry.


Custom User Fields

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so that administrators can add customer fields for users.


Automated Messaging Options for Course Enrollment

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1. Give Portal Admins a second Course Enrollment Verification to send out so that one can be positioned as an self-paced course message (e.g. eLearning, Self-Study, Assessments, Course Group) and one can be set as a message that goes out with ILT enrollments (e.g. Classroom, Virtual Classroom courses).

2. Allow the Portal Admins who set up courses choose of whether the course they are adding will EVER send a Course Enrollment Verification email. Our learners get far too many Course Enrollment emails sometimes, and this would allow us to cut down on them.


Visual Picture of Organizational and Positional Hierarchies

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If there were a way to get a visual picture of the organizational and positional hierarchies in the system, that would be a great thing for administrators to be able to visualize how the system is set up.

  1. View Organization Structure -- click on a node and it would display everything in that node (even if it had to expand beyond the visible screen, you could have sliders to navigate it and a zoom in/zoom out feature to see the whole thing. This would help me know where to put my next Location.
  2. View Position Structure -- position codes (or at least a list of all the existing codes) their department (if any) and immediate superior and immediate subordinate when trying to add a new one; it would help you know right away whether you had done it already or not, and give you a very good sense of where the new position you want fits into reporting tree.


Share Questions across Assessments

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so that assessment questions can be shared across assessments.


New Admin User Interface

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This enhancement calls for a new user experience for the administrative pages that is responsive to multiple devices (smartphone, tablet, desktop). The new Administrator UI should simply access to administrative tools, such as grouping functions into People, Training Content, Assignment, Tracking and Configuration. Lastly the new Administrator UI should use contemporary navigation and look and feel elements to the pages.


Support for Asian Languages

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I would like to see support for Asian languages in the LMS (Korean, Japanese, etc.)


Add Department Field

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Please add a Department field to each user's account, preferably one that can be impacted by an HRIS


Enhance Add Interest to use Advanced User Search with Unlimited Users

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Enhance the Add Interest page so that it uses the new Advanced User Search to identify the effected user population.


P2P Reporting - Display Subordinates in Manager User Profile

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In P2P reporting, it would be great to see who reports to whom. That is, see not just the direct manager in the subordinate’s profile, but also see the subordinates in the manager’s profile. Again, the 2-way street issue of being able to address the same issue in two different places in the system.



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 Right now we cannot accommodate special characters in the SCORM


Associate Assessment Survey and Pre/Post Test with a Course

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so that courses can include a LatitudeLearning assessment which will be used to score the course and a LatitudeLearning survey assessment.


Update Resource Library page, Improve Search Results

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On new Course Catalog page (/course/user/course_search2.aspx?sSearchPhrase=), the default record "Search" results are displayed on page load;  with "Keyword" field displayed above collapsed "Filters" section.

Make Resource Library page (/resource/user/resource_search2.aspx) function the same way.
1. Pull "Keyword" field out of Filter section and place at top of page.
2. Improve the Keyword search logic so that it queries both resource Name and Description data.
3. Execute the default record "Search" and display results on page load.

This would create more of a resource "library" experience than a searching tool.


Data Sets for the Reporting Engine

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Can we add more entities (or data sets) to upcoming Report engine? Other record-based attributes to consider for the sake of data review and management in LMS:

  • Organization Structure
  • Position Structure
  • Course Catalog
  • Certification Rules with user requirement status: Met/Not Met


Simplifying Processes

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In general, there are a number of places in the LMS where setting up something can only be done one


Certifications Setup

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Certifications: these are particularly difficult to set up. The reason is that you have to know


User "Isn't" Search Operator

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User Search "isn't" logic seems to be working as designed... however, as we discussed many times


Edit Profile - Make User Group Picker Multi-Select

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Allow the Group Picker for User Groups to let you add multiple User Groups before checking out so that you don't have to click Add Group and then choose Add User Group and Select a User Group again for each and every User Group you want to add. I typically have to add a new employee to 3-4 User Groups and to have to go in and add them one at a time in comparison to how it used to work is click heavy.


Gamification: Level Up!

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To give the user the ability to track their highest achieved certification level of the system.


Please find the requirements doc attachedPDF


Rename Organization Units to reflect network of organizations

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The business organization structure is used to organized a network of organizations. The current organizational unit names leads administrators to believe it should be used to reflect an organization's reporting hierarchy instead of being used to organize a set of independent organizations. Rename to the organizational units to better reflect their nature and update supporting documentation.


Create a wizard for adding users

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Currently the portal administrator can add a user only if the required position code and location already exist. Suggest creating a wizard that allows the portal administrator to create the position code and location on the fly when adding a user to make it easier for the portal administrator to add users quickly.


Create Administrator APIs

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Create a set of administrative open APIs so that LMS portal administration can be conducted from a 3rd party system.


Attachments for Notifications and Announcements

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Enhance Message Editor and Announcements to allow for attachments. Zoho Ticket #43760. Originally


Too Many Clicks

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Design more streamlined processes; enrolling people in a course should be just one click, not four.


Report Distribution

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LatitudeLearning will enhance the LMS reporting engine with a new Share Report Results feature. This tool will provide users a subset of Standard Filters to create a list of their people (scoped to My People) with whom they want to share a Report Result record on demand, or as part of the Scheduled Reports feature. The “Report Results Ready” notification will be enhanced to send to all users in defined Share list at time of report execution. Message content will include additional parameters that state who shared the report results. Update Report Results record to display “Shared by: [Username]” under Report Title, above Standard Filters list. Enhance logic of Navigation page to display “Reports” icon if: A. User has access to one or more records in Report List B. User has access to one or more records in Report Results list (so that “Student” managers will get access to Shared Report Results)


Please find the requirements attached below: PDF


Coming Soon!

Acceptance Test Plan

Coming Soon!


SMS Text Messaging

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The ability to send messages via text to your phone regarding your courses, instead of just email and in the LMS Message Center.


Courses To Complete -- add progress indicator

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1. Add "Training History" tab to horizontal list.
2. Add summary graph that indicates students training progress and status. Similar to "Goals" page, but for Course completion.


Recurring Offerings

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On behalf of a Getting Started Webinar attendee who does frequent and repetitive ILT (e.g. same


Remove Cap on Employee Count

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Remove Cap on Employee count, for location search. Current cap is 500.

Redo Classic reports using the New Reporting Engine

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Add WYSIWYG editor to Announcements

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Add WYSIWYG editor to Announcements.


User Search Criteria: P2P User, Manager, Alternate Manager

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When LMS is setup with P2P Hierarchy, additional Advanced User Search criteria appear: P2P User,


Enhance user merge to work with Person-to-Person Reporting

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The user merge is turned off for person-to-person reporting hierarchy. Enhance user merge to support person-to-person reporting.


Multi-SCO Courses

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For a multi-SCO course, the SCO titles should be hot and launch that SCO. I don't understand the


Enable N-tier Business Organization Structures

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Modify LatitudeLearning so it's business organization structure can support n-tiers. The current business organization structure includes 4 levels: company, business unit, division, and location. LatitudeLearning should be enhanced so that locations can link to division or other locations. This would enable clients to build business structures that can be n-tiers and unbalance (i.e. one branch can go down 10 levels, while another goes only 5 levels).


Show Only Unread Messages in Count on Message Icon

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Add Read/Unread message tracking in messages page so that number on messages icon represents unread messages instead of total messages. Showing total message count is confusing to the end user and we can not indicate unread messages in header because of that - it would be more confusing if we showed red indicator in header.


Ability to mass add/edit User Groups

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Add functionality to allow a mass edit/add to user group, using an excel upload.


Customer Location Fields

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so that administrators can add custom fields for locations.


Create Manager APIs

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Create a set of manger open APIs so that LMS manager functionality can be access from a 3rd party system.


Create a set of Student API's

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Create a set of student APIs for that LMS student functionality can be accessed from a 3rd party system.


Enhance the Department Certification and Curriculum pages to include staff with non-subordinated position codes

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When a portal is setup for person-to-person reporting and a manager has a subordinate that has a position code that is not subordinated to the manager's position code, the manager is unable to see the subordinate in the Department Certification and Department Curriculum pages and therefore unable to assign them Certification and Curriculum Goals.


Display End-Dated Overlapping Profiles

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Deactivated profiles with an overlap of time with an active profile need to be displayed as an uneditable profile. Otherwise search results will appear as if they are not correct. If you search for user active but profile inactive you might get a person with just two active profiles but one overlaps an older one that is inactive so that one won't be displayed.


Configurability at Organizational Level

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Extend configurability to organizational units. For example, an organization might have a desire to


Add User Page Should Allow Partial Address

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When I attempt to add a user, it gives an error message telling me the address is invalid. It is


Automated Messaging Options for Course Completion

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At present, the Message feature sends an automated message to ALL users who complete ANY course. Portal Admins should have the ability to send users a targeted message for a specific/individual course completion.



Section Header for each objective in an Assessment

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In an assessment, I would like to have a section header for each objective.

 Use case: 

A client is going to use an assessment as their method of gathering and assessing a student’s needs. The first section will be an objective of “Gather employee specific information before beginning questionnaire” It is stated as the Objective in the Assessment.

 Is there a way to use the Objective Description as the text for the header for the section? Is there another way to get a section indicator by objective? In their course I inserted it as part of the first question. It kind of implies what the objective is – but it doesn’t distinguish the whole group of questions belonging together as that objective.


New Navigation for all Roles

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Enhance LatitudeLearning so that the new Navigation page can be used as the primary navigation method for all roles. This includes:

  1. Create the default navigation icons for all Roles (Guest, Student, Location Manager, Instructor, Location Administrator, Administrator, Portal Administrator)
  2. Enable Portal Administrators to configure the list and order of icons on the Navigation page for each role
  3. Enable Portal Administrators to change the language-specific label associated with each icon
  4. Enable Portal Administrators to set the default home page for their LMS
  5. Enable users to set their own default home page
  6. Update the page header of all existing pages to the new page header on the Navigation page
  7. Create a Subscription page that replicates the logic of the Subscription section of the current Home page
  8. Create a Featured Courses page that replicates the logic of the Featured Courses section of the current Home page
  9. Create a  Courses I Teach page that replicates the logic of the Courses I Teach section of the current Home page
  10. Create a Quick Links page that replicates the logic of the Quick Links section of the current Home page


Assign a dynamic Featured Course list based on users' Location, Position Code, User Group, or Audience Membership

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Administrators can create a list of Featured Courses that display on a user's Home page based on their Location assignments. The suggestion is to enhance this feature by allowing administrators to spotlight a dynamic list of Featured Courses based on users' Location, Position Code, and/or User Group assignments.


BU-Specific Settings for Courses

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Courses can have BU-specific settings. Break these out in a separate area because otherwise they


Create more flexible mass enrollment tool

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Enhance the enrollment process so that users that have Enroll Others access can also access a function that enables them to enroll one or many students in one or many courses in a single action.


Training Calendar enhancement suggestions

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Enhancement suggestions from Training Calendar requirements gathering that did NOT make minimum viable project BRD:

  • Add browser “Print” view option (button with stylesheet)
  • Provide standard “Export to Calendar” action button for all events. Button click will download .ics file to user's device.
  • If student clicks on a due date for a goal, present an option to send reminders according to student’s desires (e.g., send me at 1 week, 5,4,3,2,1 days).
  • Allow user to define “availability” in calendar. Help coordinate Instructor schedules. How? Create conflicts when scheduling Offering with Instructor.
  • Create new LMS Calendar Event: Certification Update Required 
    1.) Date that new/update course is required to maintain certification. New or update course should display based on user’s Training History. 
    (a) User who has valid Certification Transcript currently meets all cert rules. 
    (b) Admin adds a Course to Generic Completion rule into Certification Level requirement. Selected course has FUTURE Certification Calculation Start Date
    (c) Certification Update Required =  FUTURE Certification Calculation Start Date
    2.Course Name links to legacy detail page (/course/user/course_details2.aspx?CourseId=XXXXX)
    3.) Course Code
    4.) Enrollment Status

    Client concern: Team Skills page would display Update Course as incomplete (white), even though user has Certification Progress 100% (achieved). 


Tin Can API and xAPI compatibility

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At some point a move to the Tin Can API would be appreciated in order to allow for many of the newer tracking methodologies and options allowed in authoring tools to be implemented in courses hosted on LatitudeLearning.

The Experience API (xAPI) is an e-learning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to speak to each other in a manner that records and tracks all types of learning experiences


Enhance Goal Assignments Wizards to Open in Modal

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To improve user workflow, all Goal Assignment Wizards should be enhanced to open in modal instead of new window/tab. When user clicks “Run” or “Cancel” button, the modal will close, returning users to the previous page.

New modal display will apply to pages: My Goals, My Team, Goals


Make default LMS style full width, branded icon colors

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We have received client demo feedback that people would prefer...

  1. Less white/dead space on new UI pages
  2. Branded or color coded icons

To meet these look/feel expectations, I propose we should...

  1. Make LatitudeLearning default style full width, not framed.
  2. Work with marketing team to determine "branded" icon color. Code by function, or just company blue and green?


Allow managers to substitute employees for withdrawn students

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Enhance the system to allow managers to substitute employees for withdrawn students.


Create Resource Usage Report

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We store resources on the LMS that users can access to flesh out their eLearning. E.g., Powerpoints & videos. It would be very helpful to see who accesses these resources, so we can determine where to put our efforts in terms of making these available. I don't believe reporting on resource usage is currently available.


My Team - Make summary graphs actionable, filter results on click

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My Team tools provide summary graphs of results data on most tabs -- People, Goals, Certifications.

Make each graph clickable, so that manager can quickly filter by selected data point. For example, the People and Goals page provides a doughnut graph of all goals in "Assigned" status. Clicking the "Past Due" wedge would filter results table to just those People or Goals that are past due.


Add Position column to User Profiles view

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The User Profiles page includes 2/3 of required profile components: Organization and Role. I would propose adding a column for the third profile element "Positions" to this view, so admins do not have to edit every profile to see user's position assignments at each organization.


Enhance Assessment Question Toolset

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  1. Add a "Feedback" comment box, so users can provide feedback for each Question as they complete a test/survey. Results should include "Feedback" field. 
  2.  If user's choice is incorrect, allow "hints" to correct answers 
  3.  Mass import and export of question/answer pool
  4.  Add cross reference links to course material


Featured Courses icon, add indicator to highlight new items

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Enhance Featured Courses icon in Navigation Menu with flag to highlight changes to list. In legacy UI, Featured Courses list is highlighted on user’s Home page, and therefore changes have high visibility. In new UI, user has to purposefully navigate to page, where list remains mostly stagnant. The goal is to draw user attention to new spotlighted courses.


Add Featured Courses to list of options for LMS Information > Login Landing Page setting

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Enhance Login Landing Page feature with secondary page “fall back” logic for users who belong to a Location with NULL Featured Course list. Users who log into a portal configured with “Login Landing Page: Featured Courses” but do not have a Featured Courses page should land on the Navigation Menu upon login.

Today, they land on Featured Courses page with message: There are no featured courses available.


Add Print Icon to Certification Tree

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Add print capability to the Organization page in the LMS.


Add due date to enroll others

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Add due date to enroll others.


Self-Study Completion Requires Approval

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This enhancement enables self study courses to require manager approval for completion after the student marks the course complete.

Enhance Edit Course pages

1.       rename Approval Required to Enrollment Approval Required

2.       remove the Self-Certified Completion field

3.       add Completion Rule drop down field with 3 options: Student, Manager, and Administrator

a.       The Student works just like when the current Self-Certified Completion is Yes. That is, the student marks as complete with a signature.

b.      The Manager works like the Student rule but after the student marks as complete the status of the transcript is set to pending review and the transcript to presented to the manager in the Approvals page as a Pending Course Completion.

c.       The Administrator works just like the current Self-Certificate Completion is No. That is, an Admin must go to the student’s training history and set the status to Complete in order for the student to receive credit.

 Enhance Approvals page

Enhance the approvals page to enable managers to review and approve/reject self study course transcripts that are pending review.


Remove Position Scoping Logic from All Administrator Roles

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Make data scoping logic in Position Hierarchy function as it does in Person-to-Person Hierarchy in that system administrators -- as defined by role assignment Portal Administrator, Administrator, Instructor, Location Administrator -- see all users within their assigned Organizations. Employee oversight according to Position Hierarchy is only applied to users with highest role Location Manager or Student.


Enhance Report Standard Filters to allow multiple value selection

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Standard Filters on custom reports only allow single value selection. Enhance the Standard Filters tool to behave like Advanced Filters criteria, where user can select from the following options: is equal to, is in list, is not equal to, is not in list


User Generated Messages

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 Enable users to send messages to other users.


 Enhance Messages Page

Enhance the Messages page as follows:

1.       The message summary displays the Sender of the message

2.       Add a Reply icon to each message next to the Delete icon.

a.       On clicking the Reply icon the user will be presented the Send Message page. The Sender of the original message will be prepopulated in the To field. The a blank line, a link with “Reply to:’ and the original message will prepopulated in the Message field.

3.       Add a “+Message” button to the top right corner of the page

a.       On clicking the “+Message” button the user will be presented the Send Message page.


Create a Send Message Page

Create a Send Message page that presents the user with a To, Language. Subject and Message fields.

The To field is a multi-select type ahead of users the user is scoped to message based on the LMS Information page User Messaging field. At least one user is required.

The Language field is a drop down of the languages supported by the LMS.

The Subject field is a single line that is the subject of the message for the selected language. A subject for English is required.

The Message field is a multi-line field for the selected language that includes an HTML editor, similar to that in the Announcements page. A message for English is required.

The page will include two action buttons:

1.       Send: will send the message to the recipients

2.       Cancel: will cancel the message and return the user to the Messages page.

Enhance LMS Information Page

Add a User Messaging Scope drop down field to the LMS Information page with the following values:

1.       Subordinates Only: limits the scope of the users a user can send a message to only the user’s active subordinates

2.       All Users: allows users to send messages to all active users within the LMS portal.


Advance Notice Reminder Schedule

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It would be nice if there was a field on the Offering Defaults page to set up the Training Reminder


Notifications of User Registrations

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A client asked if there is an easy way to notify users who are added via User Import. It would be


Auto Enrollment in Offering from Interest List

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Auto-Enrollment in Offering from Interest List

LMS service is currently looking for


User Move Restriction

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When moving users across Organizations (i.e. deactivating a profile in one Org. and activating a new profile in another Org.), it would be nice for the system to prevent the move if the user would exceed the maximum user limit as defined in the Organization settings.


Add "Link to Classroom" button to ILT Course Tile and Detail Expando

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Add Offering form offers "Link to Classroom" field. Instructors/admins can add link to external meeting application (, Zoom, etc.) to each offering, and use "Webinar" facilities to track Meeting Time Zones.

Legacy Offering Details page displays a "Link to Classroom" button to users enrolled in offering. Enrolled/scheduled user can click button to open meeting link in new window.

Angular pages such as Courses To Complete and Course Search should offer same "Link to Classroom" button functionality. 

  1. Create new standard action button "Link to Classroom" for course Delivery Method: Classroom
  2. Add it to Course Tile (fa-external-link) and Detail Expando (text) action buttons
  3. Button should only display if associated field is defined for offering. Hide button once final Meeting Time has passed (last meeting date/time in list is before today).


Transcript Import should honor Course Expiration Settings

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If a course is configured with a Transcript Expiration Days, the Transcript Import tool should automatically populate the transcript expiration date similar to when you manually Add a Transcript to user history.


Notify User Their Account is Inactive

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If a user is deactivated after not using the LMS for x amount of time and then tries to access the LMS again, it would be very helpful for them to be sent a customizable email indicating that they have been deactivated. This would then allow them to contact us more easily to request reactivation. 


LinkedIn Learning Course Type

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Latitude will implement a new LinkedIn Learning course type in the LMS. The integration will follow the LinkedIn Learning LTI standard, and the course object will be usable in all areas of the LMS including curriculums, certifications, course groups, etc. 


Enhance Scheduled Training Calendar

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For the scheduling calendar - At present it shows only a week view, and if a classroom course take place over the course of one entire week, the course only appears on the start date implying it's a one-day course. Therefore, I suggest to implement a month calendar view, and to show the courses from their start date to end date.


Skills, Team Skills -- update Course Name link to open expando

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Skills enhancement released with old version of Course Detail expando. Required users to view legacy details page for all key info. Course Search enhancement brought all key info to new Course Detail expando. Would prefer course name click no longer open legacy page. 


Remove Goals from inactive Programs

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When a program goes inactive, goals for certs in that program stick around. Users can't see those goals, but they're still included in the count and managers can see the goals on Team Goals.


Clean up/hide Course Goals when Course is End Dated

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Clean up/hide Course Goals when Course is End Dated.


Add Report to be able to see which offerings have attachments

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Add report fields to the reporting engine to be able to view which course offerings have attachments.


Save the history for Announcements sent

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Save the history of Announcements being sent in the system.  The user can see who the message was sent to, and when.


Retain User's last used filters

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Retain the user's last used filter criteria in the My Team pages.


Notification of Account disabled due to inactivity

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When a user is unable to login, due to account being disabled for lack of activity, they should have a message indicating their account was disabled.


Add Course Catalog Filters to Courses to Complete, Goals and Training History pages

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Add Course Catalog Filters to Courses to Complete and Training History pages.  For Courses to Complete allow filtering for Required, Enrolled, and Interests.  For Goals, met/unmet, and Training History for transcript status.


Ability to link to a certificate from My Team page

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Under My Team - If they select a student icon, it opens the screen with information including the training history icon. 
It would be really helpful if that icon would open and show not only the courses and scores, but also a link to download course certificates.  Being able to export the list from this screen is great, but making the certificate available would be very useful.



User Centric Dashboard

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Extended view of the Team Skills, but viewed from a user standpoint.


Add Export to Announcement Page

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Add the ability to export the list of users an announcement is going out to.



Custom Page Enhancement

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Enhance/replace the custom page template so it doesn’t display the left column.


Enhance Roster Processing

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Enhance roster processing such that for the course offering administrators can set a flag allowing learners that are enrolled in the  prerequisite course(s) to enroll in the offering. The learner will be dropped from the offering if they cancel their enrollment in the prereq courses. 


Give under-performing Locations seating preference in ILT enrollment from Interest List

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Interest List process -- first seat preference to retailers that do NOT meet MTR over retailers who have met MTR. Underperforming locations need more training than compliant/over performing locations. 

Pass 1: Course > Skill > Location MTR NOT met 
Pass 2: Course > Skill > Other Locations (MTR met or null) 

OR give admins ability to flag locations for auto-enroll priority.


Add Zoom integration with scheduling

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Add functionality to allow Zoom to integrate with scheduling, in the LMS.


Rename Enrollment Open/Close date to Start/End date

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On the Add Course page, rename Enrollment Open/Close date to Start/End date.


Allow attachments for Students on Offerings

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Allow the ability for an instructor or Admin to add attachments to an offering, that a student can view.


When user clicks on a course resource it should open the resource instead of taking user to resource details page.

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When user clicks on a course resource it should open the resource instead of taking user to resource details page.


Personal Home Page

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Modify the header drop down to include one of the following icons below the logout link:

Set home page : Displays if the current page is not the user’s personal home page. If clicked, it will set the current page to the user’s home page, overriding the portal default.

Reset to default home page: Displays if the current page is the user’s personal home page. If clicked, clears the user’s personal home page.

 Update the header so that when the home icon is clicked the system first checks to see if the personal home page has been set. If so it navigates there. If not, it goes to the portal home page. Also if the user no longer has access to their personal home page (e.g. their role changed), go to the default home page.


Create a "Content" icon that uses HTML content

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Create a content icon to the home page that uses HTML content.


User Self Registration Enhancements

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Enhance the LMS Information page to allow User Self-Registration functionality as follows: 
  1. Allow the Portal administrator to turn User Self-Registration on and off. 
  2. Add a field to indicate whether to use the Default Location or user-entered location on registration form 
  3. Add flag to display/hide user "Notes" field on registration form, which ties to free text field in user account.
  4. Group all the user self-registration settings together under the heading of "User Self-Registration".


Enhance Administrative Search Pages Requirements

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Simplify the Administrator workflow.


Please find the requirements attached below: PDF


Enrollment Restrictions should consider Equivalency Credit

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When calculating enrollment eligibility for courses with Enrollment Restrictions, the system should count Equivalency Credit (with completion date) as a qualifying factor.


Team Courses Page

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Build a new Team Courses page that provides managers a Course list with expando detail of the people who have transcripts, interests, or goals for each course.

Requirements & Design

Please find the requirements and design doc attached PDF


Add an option to add instructor in the process of creating a course offering

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 Add an option to add instructor in the process of creating a course offering. Currently have to exit “Add Offering” and loose information.




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The ability to view graphical information about your organization.


Goal Expiration Date

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From the organizations I’ve talked with, it is important to them to require annual updates in training; some of them require only one course, others their entire certification. 

I would think having the ability to specify a length of time the certification or curriculum goal is in effect would be useful, were it  6 months, one year, two years, etc.


Add "Suggest Enhancement" link to Site Management menu

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Provide a persistent link within the LMS that takes administrators to the “Suggest Enhancement” form on our website. People usually think of things when they are trying to do something in the LMS; this would let them submit it before they forgot about it.


Improve Messaging Functionality in the new UI

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1.    3 Steps to delete a message is too many clicks. 

a.    Remove the last modal pop-up that confirms it was “Removed Successfully”, and simply return to the message list with the selected message removed.

b.    Reach Goal: Create and LMS wide option “One Click Delete” – on the LMS Settings page add the option, and if its enabled a user can simply click the delete button and the message will be deleted.

2.    Sorting / Filtering Messages

a.    Create filter buttons similar to those on the coursed to complete that show All | Report |Course | Admin related messages. 


Make all record search tools return first 25 matches in list

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We have different default values on other pages and one page with a drop down for user selecting a wider range: 

- courses has 15 results per page
- locations has 10 results per page 
- positions has 10 results per page 
- users has 25 per page (default) with a drop down to select many more per page (up to 1000)... 

Can we do similar to the other pages as we have with the user search page?


Restructure Report Writer into Standard LMS Setup Wizard

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A new standard setup wizard is launching with Auto-Assign Goals enhancement. We should restructure existing Report Writer tool into setup wizard to improve and standardize multi-step workflows in the LMS.


Improve LMS Help Text

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Migrate LMS Help files from HTML to webpages.


Mobile Application

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Develop a mobile application for the LMS.


Add “Brands” Attribute to Certification Configuration

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Add a "Brands" attribute to Certification engine and display logic. This enhancement should function so that Certifications with no defined Brands display to users at all Locations (no brands = all brands). While branded Certifications only display to users at Locations that hold a matching Brand.

a.       Users at Locations that hold no Brand attribute will see only those Certifications for their Position Group that hold no Brand.

b.       Users who belong to Locations that hold a defined list of Brands will see the Certifications that share their Primary Location Brands. Plus the Certifications for their Position Group that hold no Brand.

c.       Therefore, users who belong to Locations that hold a defined list of Brands should never see Certifications that hold Brands excluded from their Organization.


Create My Team Dashboards Page

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The My Team tool will be enhanced to include a Dashboards page. The Dashboard page will include all the dashboards a manager has created. Dashboards are saved configurations of the manager’s People, Goals, Courses, Certifications, Skills or User Group pages. They allow managers to easily check status using one of these pages without having to re-enter all the filter criteria.

A “+Dashboard” button will be added to each of the aforementioned pages. When clicked the user will be asked to name the dashboard. Upon saving the dashboard will be added to the manager’s Dashboards page.

The Dashboards page will display all of the manager’s dashboards. For each dashboard managers will be able to view or delete the dashboard. Clicking View will take the manager to the appropriate page (e.g. People, Goals, Certifications, Skills, Course, User Group) and execute the page using the filter criteria stored in the dashboard. Clicking Delete will delete the dashboard.


Enhance Certification "Display" Functionality in New UI

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New UI pages currently display Certifications that admin has flagged Display: FALSE

Training History
My Goals
Team Goals
Team Certifications
Assign Goals
Goal Rules
NOTE: Already hidden from Self-Assign Goals > Certification list.

Original business requirement was that Certifications hidden by an admin should not display to managers or students, nor be available for goal assignment. They should only display to admin roles for cert management and reporting purposes. Revisit the definition of Certification "Display" function.


Create Team Courses Page

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The My Team tool will be enhanced to include a Courses to Complete page that will display all the Courses to Complete for the manager’s people. The page will include a table with a row for each learner’s Courses to Complete page. The page will include a user filter that can be used to view all the users the manager has domain over.

Each row can have the following action buttons: Cancel, Mark as Pass, Mark as Fail, Substitute, Approve, Reject.

The Cancel button will appears if the learner has an enrollment or interest transcript and allows the manager to cancel the enrollment or interest.

The Mark as Pass and Mark as Fail buttons appears for Self Study courses when the learner is enrolled and the Mark as Complete indicator on the Course page is set to Manager. These buttons allow managers to pass or fail learners.

The Substitute button appears when the learner is enrolled in an instructor led course (i.e. Classroom or Virtual Classroom) and the offering’s Manager Substitution flag is set to Yes. The button allows managers to substitute another learner for one already enrolled in the offering.

The Approve and Reject buttons appear when the status of course or interest is Pending. These buttons allow managers to Approve or Reject the pending enrollment or interest.



Enhance Course Group to Automate Component Course Interests

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Enhance the Course Group course type so that when a user enrolls, component courses are automatically added to the user’s Interest List. Assuming no enrollment conflict, those interest records will become enrollment transcripts for all component courses. 


Add Assessment Report Type with detail and summary flag

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The report writer will be enhanced to include Assessment and Assessment Summary report types. These report types will enable users to analyze assessment items and user responses. Like other report types these reports will be able to be automatically scheduled and distributed.


Migrate Classic Reports to Report Writer

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Migrate Classic Reports to Report Writer


Incorporate Learnosity into LatitudeLearning

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Incorporate Learnosity into LatitudeLearning.


Ability to copy a test, assessment, observation and survey for any course

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Enhance the system to enable the ability to copy a test, assessment, observation and survey for any course.


Ability to send pre-scripted announcements

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Enable the system to allow the sending of pre-scripted announcements.


Allow the ability to remove training from a learner's transcript

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Allow the ability to remove training from a learner's transcript.


Export Interest Lists

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Enhance the system to enable exports in XLS, CSV and PDF formats for interest lists, including pre-reqs met and not met.


Add Cross Tab report type

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Enhance the system to enable the ability to build advance cross-tab reports within the application.


Require Manager approval of enrollment cancellation

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Require Manager approval of enrollment cancellation.


Support Variable No show/Cancellation Fees

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Support variable No Show/Cancellation fees.


Create custom fields in user profiles

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Enhance the system to allow a user to create custom fields in user profiles.


Enhance Report Writer with Certification Report that produces Course Status

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Ability to create a Certification Report which can report on individual course status, should include users who enrolled and also not enrolled..


Ability to track Library items

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Ability to track library items.


Support Soft Pre-requisites

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Enhance the system to support soft prerequisites.  Allowing a learner to register for a class that has uncompleted prerequisites but prevents the learner from attending if the prerequisite is not completed. 


Remove access to post test once past due

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Remove access to post test once past due.


Reasons for No Show/Late cancellations should be tied to proper charge backs

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Reasons for No Show/Late cancellations should be tied to proper charge backs


Automate expanded Distributions

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Automate expanded Distributions to allow incremental releases for a class.


Copy Assessment

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Enhance the system to enable copying an Assessment.


Combine Course and Course Summary report type to one report type and add a Summary Detail Flag

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Combine Course and Course Summary report type to one report type and add a Summary Detail Flag


Simplify Administrator Navigation

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Remove Add “Object” (e.g. Organization, Course, Major, etc) from left column navigation and add “+ Object” link to Search “Object” page that links to the Add “Object” page. Also rename the Search “Object” page and navigation link to “Object. Lastly, when opening the “Object” page show default search results. Do this for the following “Objects”

Generic Rules

Primary Rules



Skill Profiles










User Groups




Position Groups





Create Gamification Tool

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Latitude will create a gamification tool that allows administrators to create games. For each game administrators will define the game type, participants, point values per activity, objectives and badges.

There will be two game types: solitaire and competitive. In solitaire games the learner’s goal is to achieve the next objective and learners are not compared to their peers. In competitive games the learner’s goal is to achieve the next objective but they can see how they rank relative to the other participants in the game.

Administrators will define a set of user criteria (position, organization, name, etc.) to assign game participants. Administrators will also define how often the user criteria is run (daily, weekly, monthly, on demand) to add/drop participants.

Administrators will also define the game’s point values for each learning activity. They will be able to define the default point value for any certification, skill or course completion, as well as the point value for completion of individual certifications, skills or courses.

The game’s objectives will be defined by objectives and badges. A objective is defined as either cumulative points achieved (i.e. Objective 1 is 10 points, Objective 2 is 50 points) or top percentage of point achieved (i.e. Objective 1 is top 25%, Objective 2 is top 10%). The administrator can optionally upload a badge image for each objective. If a learner achieves that objective they will be granted the badge.

Learners will be able to see the games they’re participating in and their status via a “Games” icon on the navigation. They will also be able to see the games they’ve participated in and the badges they’ve collected via the Training History page.


Create Favorites Tool

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LatitudeLearning will be enhanced so that users can designate courses, resources or pages as Favorites. Users will be able to access their favorites from the Favorites channel on the My Learning page or the Favorites page.


Replace Rostering Pages with Responsive Pages

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Replace Roster Detail with Responsive Page

Replace Enroll Student with Responsive Page

Replace Cancel Student with Responsive Page

Replace Substitute Student with Responsive Page

Replace Process Roster with Responsive Page

Replace Attendance with Responsive Page

Replace Print Rosters with Responsive Page


Create Report Results Distribution

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Latitude will enhance the reporting system so that users can distribute report results to other users. Users will use LatitudeLearning’s standard user filter (e.g. username, position, organization, brand, courses status, etc.) to define the distribution community. For example a user could specify a report should be distributed to Technicians at Ram dealers. This would cause the report results to be distributed to Technicians at Ram dealers within the user’s data scope.

Users will be able to specify a report distribution: 1) when submitting a report to execute; 2) when scheduling a report to execute; 3) when editing a report schedule; and 4) when viewing report results  


Offer Course Image Defaults by Topic

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Perhaps we could add another layer to the default configuration… So your Course Type Default images remain, but if provided, would be overridden by Topic Defaults, which would continue to be overridden by individual course images.


Enhance Course Details with smart “Tuition” field on new UI pages

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Enhance Course Details view with smart “Tuition” field on new UI pages: Courses To Complete, Featured Courses, Skills, Team Skills

If course Tuition value is zero (0), hide field from Course Detail expando.

If course is configured with Tuition value greater than zero (0), continue to display Tuition field in Course Details expando.

For courses with Tuition value greater than zero (0), build logic that determines whether or not the viewing user meets definition of subscriber (has active Profile at Location with active Subscription and available Credits).

·         Display Tuition field to non-subscribers

·         Hide Tuition field from subscribers

·         FCA PI: Cost/Tuition needs to consider the cost, currency, and subscription info from the user’s market, not the Course Owner Market information


Leaderboard Enhancement

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Add a Leaderboard in which to track the progress of levels achieved compared with your peers.


WYSIWYG Editor and Native Styles

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Update the WYSIWYG editor to consume available styles, in order to make HTML render correctly on the page.


Change Course Topics to Topics and allow admins to tag resources with topics

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 Change Course Topics to Topics and allow admins to tag resources with topics.



Improvements to Latitude Connect and Latitude Learning

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 Develop a common header that operates the same in the LMS as it does in the CMS.

  1. Develop a common footer for both the LMS and CMS (does not exist today).
  2. Update the security apparatus technology to leverage SAML.  In the security context include (Name, UserID, Position Code, Position Group, OrgID)
  3. Update the CMS to build security roles proactively not reactively, it’s my understanding that the roles are not created in the CMS until a user logs in through the CMS the first time.  This makes it impossible to set permission on content.
  4. Use the full names of roles from the LMS as opposed to the codes.  For example, we use Position Group in the CMS today to control who sees what content, but the position group name is FCA-12345 where 12345 is the PostionGroup ID in the LMS.  (It should read Sales Managers).
  5. If LatitudeConnect is deployed with the LMS, enable the LMS to see the CMS pages so they can be used to set landing pages for users. 




Make Courses to Complete page Sortable by date/course name, etc.

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Make the Courses To Complete page sortable.


Add more criteria options to Audience

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Can an audience be defined/partly defined by:

1)      Brand at student’s Location?

2)      Completion of a course

3)      Assessment score below “A”?

4)      Assessment Objective score below “B”?

5)      Units sold below “C”?

6)      Fixed First Visit Score below “D”?

7)      Time since last Quality course above “E”?

8)      Approved for warranty work = “No”?


Add Rejected Approval Requests to Administrator Tool

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Administrators have access to an "Approvals" toolset from their left navigation menu, which provides extra features from the student/manager pages "My Team" and "Pending Approvals". Enhance the admin "Approve Pending Interests" page with an additional data column: Rejected Interest Count

Managers who reject interest requests are required to enter a Reason (text box). In new "Rejected Interest Count" column, admin can click a non-zero number to view interest transcript with "Reason for Rejection" field displayed.


Create tool for mass transcript edit

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Recently, I had to mass update transcripts for external courses attended by my organization's employees. I had to do it one by one. I like how Sharepoint can give an edit view to power users on a page listing all the document records and we can mass update the properties of the document at one go. 

Here's a suggestion: After doing a blank user search of my organization which lists all the users on a page, have a feature to do Mass Transcript update where we can do a one time course search, check box all users that had attended the course, then do a mass update. That'll be more productive for administrators.


Make the LMS LTI compatible

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Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a standard created by the IMS Global Learning Consortium that links content and resources to learning platforms.


Automate Roster Processing

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- Enhance ILT course transcripts to include unique QR code (proof of enrollment)
- Enhance Courses to Complete/Course Details to provide my QR code
- Instructor needs tool to capture QR code 
- display user info, validate QR code is valid for Offering, prompt to confirm attendance
- invalid info = no action. Instructor must manually process student, pending approval, waitlisted


Improve data "picker" terminology

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Rename terms used in data "picker" elements.

  1. Replace word "Picker" to "Selection" (E.g. "Course Picker" window title becomes "Course Selection")
  2. Replace word "Checkout" button to "Apply".

These terms are more intuitive, common, and leave the eCommerce experience behind.


Add relationship criteria to search Organizations, Positions, Users

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Enhance the following pages with new "orphan" criteria, allowing Portal Administrators to find Organizations, Positions, and Users that have no relationships to their LMS data hierarchies. 

1. Search Organizations
2. Search Positions
3. Search Users


Portal Admins adding Profiles

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Portal Admins can add Profiles for different Portals.


Translate LMS Role values

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Rename existing LMS Roles, reflecting current industry terminology and making their selection more intuitive in Add/Edit User tools. Provide site text translations for Role values on Student Manager pages.


Adding Assessment Entity Type in Reporting

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Adding Assessment as an entity type in the Reporting Engine


Please find the requirements attached here: PDF


Default Group Sizing to one size, hide others

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On the Evaluation Type page, under certification rules, default to one location size, and hide all other options.  Currently it gives the options of A-E.  Do the same for Dealer sizing.


Add announcement text to bulk enroll list

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Add announcement text to bulk enroll list.


Extend Featured Courses to all Org and Position groups

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 Extend the featured course to all orgs and to position groups Add the company featured courses to the LMS info Pagé. The order of precedence would be

Position group







Add Edit Icon to Navigation Page

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Add an edit button (pencil icon) to the Navigation page that links to the Edit Navigation page. The edit button should only be displayed for users that have access to the Edit Navigation page.



Make landing page and home page part of org and positional branding

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 On the LMS Information page move the landing page and home page drop down field to the LMS branding section. Rename LMS Branding to Branding.



Course Group Enhancements

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1.       Add ordinal value to order component courses

2.       Add Option flag so a component course can be marked optional

3.       Add Scoring flag so a component course be the can act as the course group scoring component (each group can have 1 and only 1 scoring component)

4.       Enhance "Courses to Complete" page with progress bar that displays how many courses a user has completed out of total number of components

5.       Add an "Earliest Score Date" setting to allow historical course completions to count toward group, even if completed before group enrollment date.


Ability to attach Resource records to a Classroom/Virtual Classroom Course

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Customers using ILT extensively often want to provide offering enrollees with an agenda and/or pre-reading materials for the session. Currently you can attach Resource records to a Classroom/Virtual Classroom Course, but there is no visibility of these Resources on the Offering. The user must somehow know to open the offering, click the Course Code, and then find the Resources to download. 


Add Facility field to Audience

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Add Facility as an option when building an  Audience in the LMS.


Make Distribution Groups Dynamic

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Make Distribution groups dynamic for users, orgs and facilities.


Allow Import File for User Group creation

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Allow an admin to be able to export an excel file from User Search, to be imported into the LMS to create a User Group.


Create Responsive Assessment Presentation Page

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Create Responsive Assessment Presentation Page.


Interests with Pending Enrollment status to consider subscriptions

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Interests with Pending Enrollment status and tuition should start considering subscriptions.


Change auto-enrollment process to return all offerings

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Change auto-enrollment process to return all offerings


Add Performance Metric Import

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Add Performance Metric import to the LMS information page.


“Soft” Prerequisite Support

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Allow enrollment without meeting prerequisite, if enrolled in prereq that is scheduled within X days prior to offering. If cancel from prereq within Cancel Days setting of offering, must auto cancel student from this offering as well or add as "Ineligible" transcript. 


User Skill Gap Report Types

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Implement new set of User Curriculum Requirements report types in the Latitude Reporting engine.


Add confirmation pop-up before sending announcement

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Add a confirmation pop-up to the Announcement page, stating You are about to send x number of announcement, do you wish to proceed?" prior to sending announcement.


Provide a means of returning from editing a goal rule to the Goal Rules list without having to go back to Administration

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Ability to Filter out Curriculums on Goal Assignment

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Add functionality to be able to filter out Curriculums on the Goal Assignment page.


Training History should list certification transcripts by type

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Training History page offers three filtered lists: Completed, All Courses, All Certifications . Once we decide on best terms for certification types (TBD), enhance the "All Certifications" list to differentiate between certifications and curriculum transcripts. Provide separate counts in My Learning Center - Training History summary component.


Classroom course on Interest List should show Schedule button

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add the Schedule button to the Courses To Complete, Skills, Team Skills, and Featured Courses pages for ILT courses when the status = On Interest List


Auto-approve course if goal was set by goal rule or admin

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If a portal is set to add interests from goals and has a goal rule with course that requires manager approval, we should check who created/assigned the goal to a user. If the user who assigned is instructor/admin or above we should by pass approval step while adding interests.


Standardize transcript status in new UI

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Now that responsive pages provide standard enrollment actions per type (Enroll, Launch, Schedule). should we revisit our “in progress” status labels and update them to be consistent between pages.


Add to messages/emails - Course Goal Achieved and Certification Achieved/Completed.

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Add to messages/emails - Course Goal Achieved and Certification Achieved/Completed.


Add Users from the Organizational General Information Screen

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Training Calendar Only Allow Students to "express interest" in Classroom Courses

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Our training model requires that all persons who want to attend a classroom


Have an enhancement idea?



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